Bonan Tagon! Mia Nomo Estas Parzival’


Regular price €72,00

“The outsider action artist Parzival’ is not a utopian, but a visionary. Since the early 1970s, he has advocated for world peace, proclaiming himself the world government and living life free of both fossil fuels and nuclear power. He lives in his “ambassade de soleil,” the ‘embassy of the sun,’ in Sonceboz, a small Swiss village. Although his goal is explicitly political, Parzival’ is more than a political activist. In a highly creative and humorous process, he cloaks every expression, every action in artistic form, with the ultimate purpose of increasing intercultural understanding and cooperation.

This publication documents Parzival’s’ extraordinary work in all its variety for the first time. The richly-illustrated monograph is supplemented by an Esperanto textbook based on Parzival’s’ original Esperanto courses”, two books in a slip case, text in English and German by Armin Wildermuth, Tom Kummer, Monika Jagfeld, and Dietrich Michael Weidmann, 1st book: soft cover 30 x 21 cm, 148 pages, 2nd book: hard cover, 30 x 21 cm, 468 pages, Biel 2017