Clod Magazine Issue 29
Hackson, J. et al. (Eds.)
Regular price €6,00
Clod Magazine is an independent Magazine since 1987. The magazine is “satirical, fictional, and famous for ‘half-joking’ (This also means it is famous for being ‘half-serious’”. It is filled with comedic articles and illustrated with playful collage and graphic design. This edition seems to be writing-themed. It consists of two columns wanting you to improve your writing: The campaign for decent English (tips for writing), CV writing (what to include in your CV) and Magazines – in review: Clod reviewing magazines where they separate the wheat from the chaff, the want to be seen as writers from the very few great ones. With ‘Colouring in’ supplement. Contributions by T. Fitzayré, J. Hackson, E.P. Smoke and A. Weizen.
Stapled, 21 x 14,5 cm, 46 pages, numbered ed/250, Luton 2016