Monument For A Hummingbird
Mengüç, Murat Cem
Regular price €22,00
“Murat Cem Mengüç’s Monument for a Hummingbird is a splice of watercolors and ink drawings which have been germinating in a series of sketchbooks spanning years. A result of the artist’s geologically informed daydreaming, the collection is composed of visions mineral and vegetal. In these dioramas, formations that might normally be relegated to scenography are foregrounded, allowing them to emerge as the prime source of movement, of elemental animation, of an eventfulness beyond anthropic fathoming.”
A series of ink drawings and watercolours showing organic-looking structures and scenes from the natural world.
Soft cover, 17 x 12 cm, 80 not numbered pages, ed/400, Kraków 2024
ISBN: 978-83-68165-03-6