Obenauf Und Ungebrochen Künstlerpublikationen Aus Der DDR
Thurmann-Jajes, Anne (Ed.)
Regular price €7,00
“The artists of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) were always bouncing back. They created works — in the socialcultural underground or through self-publishing efforts, such as the so-called samizdat — that convey a very unique aesthetic but yet can be localized within the context of international art currents.”
Published on the occasion of an exhibition at Neues Museum Weserburg in Bremen, with essays by Anne Thurmann-Jajes, Cordelia Marten, Jürgen Weichardt and Wolfgang Schlott about artists' publications in the GDR, text in German and English, soft cover, 21 x 15 cm, 100 pages, Kleine Reihe Band 10, Bremen 2009
ISBN: 978-3-928761-75-8