Roads & Railways
Brox, Thomas Linder
Regular price €22,50
photographs of roads and railways in wide open landscapes disappearing into the horizon, the photographs were taken between 1999 and 2001 in various parts of the world including Mongolia, Texas, Denmark, India and Patagonia, with a text by Rasmus Lanken Ottesen in English and Danish; “On the one hand the roads and railways always give an indication of direction that gives rise to the hope that the purpose or meaning of the journey can be found behind the horizon. On the other hand the pictures show no final destination by the end of the road, no arrivals, only the open space and the constant repetition of the point from which the trail again disappears into the unknown. The pictures express this without grief and with a nomadic sympathy for the road itself and the surrounding landscape”, English translation by Mikkel Sandahl, hard cover, 18,5 x 15,5 cm, 48 not numbered pages, Copenhagen 2002
ISBN: 87-89783-96-4