Twenty Years Of Boekie Woekie
Boekie Woekie
Regular price €45,00
contains 57 contributions made for the occasion by Gunnar Helgason, Atti Nomanen, Robert Ruben, Michael Gibbs, Ira Wool, Pieter Holstein, Reynir Harðarson, Philippe Velez McIntyre, Erica Van Horn, Peter Gutsche, Pétur Magnússon, Emmett Williams, Nico Lootsma, Clive Phillpot, Stuart Mills, Aldo Frei and family, Beat Keusch, Rod Summers, Andrea Tippel, Rafael von Uslar, Petra Hunsche, Simona Vaessen Eftimiu, Simon Cutts, Saskia de Vriendt, Rudolf Wasch, Eggert Ó.Einarsson, Helgi Skúta Helgason, Dorothy Iannone, Malcolm Green, Tom Wasmuth, Heide Ballo and Jörg Schildt, Aðalheiður Eysteinssdóttir, Cornelia Hoedeman and Jan Kooiman, Guy Schraenen, Wilbert Vaessen, Cralan Kelder, Michel Sauer, Magnús Pálsson, Ineke Groen, Martha Hellion, Graeme Walker, Jan Beumelburg, Kristján Guðmundsson, Les Coleman, Björn Roth, Armin Hundertmark, Maggie Tran, Eric Vos, Martyn Last, Raul Marroquin, Alite Thijsen, Barbara Moore, Ann Noël, Fredie Beckmans, Reiner de Winter, Gerrit Jan de Rook, and by the three shopkeepers Henriëtte van Egten, Rúna Thorkelsdóttir and Jan Voss, most contributions in English but there are also some in Dutch, German and Icelandic, some contributions include or are pictures, with an afterword by Boekie Woekie, many pages with reprinted samples of Boekie Woekie's unorderly archive of thousands of scrap paper notes, soft cover with an attached dust jacket, 260 pages, 20 x 14 cm, edition/135, Amsterdam 2006