In Almost Every Picture. (#18)
Kessels, Erik + Valentin Fogoros (Eds.)
Regular price €30,00
„In Almost Every Picture is a series of books focusing in found amateur photographs with a sequenced narrative“
This issue features pictures taken in the Romanian town of Baile Tusnad during the 60s and 70s by local photographer George Niţescu, who captured both residents and visitors to the scenic spa town posing with Niţescu’s German Shepherd; the faces and surroundings are ever changing but the dog — always equally happy to have its picture taken either with friends or with strangers — remains a constant red thread throughout the years of snapshots, right up until the sad, final picture: a postmortem shot of the camera-friendly dog; the pictures in this series were found in photographer’s studio after his death in 2018, these photographic leftovers, never-collected or simply discarded pictures have now found a home in this volume.
With words by Sophie Rijnaard, soft cover, 160 not numbered pages, 20 x 15,5 cm, Amsterdam 2022
ISBN: 978-90-70478-51-3