Rode, Justus de
Regular price €42,00
Recent studies suggest that mycelium, fungal networks stretching and fanning out in forest soils, may aid communication between parent trees and their offspring. This publication, named ‘Mycelium’, pivots on this idea of intergenerational communication; in this case between the artist and his father, whose dementia hinders most traditional forms of communication. The artist took his father to the forest for walks and took pictures of branching trees and fungi growing on rotten tree trunks. He then asked his father to paint over these photographs in order to open up a dialogue. The results can be seen in this book; twisting branches traced with brush strokes, sometimes a faces appears in the bark of a tree. The photographs in this publication are b/w, the painted parts are reproduced in colour. A foreword in Dutch and English is provided by Belle de Rode.
Soft cover, 26,5 x 20 cm, 76 not numbered pages, signed, ed/300, n.p. (2022)
ISBN: 978-90-830463-3-4