Oliver Ross Monograph 1991-2019
Ross, Oliver (Ed.)
Regular price €35,00
an impressive work that “pulsates between chaos and order, movement and fixation, big and small, high and low. What is space, what should the soul be, who are the others and what do we want to do here? What is art good for? The first monograph by Oliver Ross traces the development of these ontological questions and relationships. Traditional codes of our culture are found in the trivial, the banal becomes art. Ross' world oscillates between program (text) and material quality: patterns and clusters. And the colors bring joy to the shapes!”, illustrated with very many reproduced paintings and other art works in brilliant colours and with texts, besides by the artist, by Bernhard Johannes Blume, Hermann Schmitz, Anna Blume, Ludwig Seyfahrt, Wolf Jahn, language: English (also available in German), hard cover, 280 pages, 28,5 x 22,5 cm, Wien 2020
ISBN 978-3-903796-23-2