Stone Foldings
Eimermacher, Sibylle
Regular price €20,00
“Sibylle Eimermacher's Stone Foldings . . . serve both as investigations of the materiality of things – the rocks – and as distillations of this heavy materiality into something pure and light. The crystalline has a backside that ties it to reality and prevents it from disappearing into nothingness and pure dreaming. Via the origami-like folds, she connects this materiality to mathematics, philosophy and spatial problematics. What is flat and what is voluminous? What is sealed off and what is deep and infinite? Similar to a geologist, Sibylle Eimermacher opens up the many – both material and metaphorical – layers of rock and plays with our defined perceptions of what stone and rock are. By embedding replacement, bewilderment, the irrational and ephemeral into the otherwise strict orders of mathematics, origami and geology – adding a bit of chaos to the hierarchy of rules – the Stone Foldings of Sibylle Eimermacher mark a place for us to rethink. When rock isn't rock we have to reconsider our perception and being."
A series of reproduced full-colour prints showing photographs of rock faces in Norwegian stone quarries folded like paper sheets, the artist plays with our perspective and our senses (if we could reach out and touch the subject of the picture, would it be rough like stone or smooth like paper?), she also plays with the opposition of man and nature; the mineral surfaces show wonderful swirls and patterns created by geological processes, but at the same time the human intervention is clearly visible in the straight lines and edges were slabs of stone have been removed; with several full-page b/w photographs of the quarries and a short essay by art historian Inger Marie Hahn Møller, stapled, 32 x 23 cm, 24 not numbered pages, ed/500, Arnhem 2015
ISBN: 978-94-91609-07-7