Strategy: Get Arts
Demarco, Richard (Ed.)
Regular price €68,00
the title palindrome by André Thomkins of this publication was the motto for the 1970 Edinburgh Festival and introduces here a selection by Richard Demarco of artists from Düsseldorf (where at the time art was felt to be blossoming exceptionally), the artists are Alvermann, Becher, Beuys, Böhmler, Brecht, Brüning, Christiansen, Döhl, Filliou, Gerstner, Graubner, Heerich, Iannone, Kagel, Klapheck, Knoebel, Kohlhöfer, Kriwet, Luther, Mack Mommartz, Morgan Palermo, Polke, Reusch, Richter Rinke, Rot, Ruthenbeck, Spoerri, Thomkins, Uecker, Walther, Weseler, Wewerka, a transcribed conversation of several of the participants and 2 texts - one by R.Demarco, the other by Karl Ruhrberg - are rendered in both German and English, loosely added to this publication is a text by R.Demarco from 2005 about setting the stage for this exhibition felt as important at the time (only English), stapled, 42 x 29,5 cm, 44 not numbered pages, Edinburgh 2005