Symbolik Einer Krypta
Schult, Enil et al.
Regular price €22,00
The “crypt” under the Partika Hall of the Robert Schumann conservatory is known beyond Düsseldorf. The design was done by Dr.Helmut Kirchmeyer and calculated by Monsignore Hutmacher on the basis of the Hebrew alphabet of numbers, which thus struck an arc of over 5,000 years to today's binary number system of the computer age. The Beuys student Emil Schult created the work of art, completed in 2005, as a reverse glass painting over several years. The Hempel family financed the execution.
The lavishly designed illustrated book deals with the work and its meaning. The enclosed DVD, allows the reader to take a virtual tour, accompanied by a DVD with 50 “Klangbilder” (images of sound) by Karlheinz Stockhausen specially composed for the room., hard cover, 19,5 x 30,5 cm, 60 pages, Düsseldorf 2011
ISBN: 978-3-7700-1477-4