Dieter Roth Balle Balle Knalle
Gross, Ulrike + Sven Beckstette
Regular price €30,00
”..Roth was one of those artists who drove the dissolution of artistic limits forward—a 1960s movement in which artists abandoned the traditional genres of painting and sculpture and tackled new ones such as multiples, performance art, body art, and multimedia installations.”
Published on the occasion of an exhibition at Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, with texts/essays by the editors as wells as Julia Gelshorn, Benjamin Meyer-Krahmer, and Stefan Ripplinger, with chapters on a wide range of subjects that occupied Roth’s productive life: graphic works, concrete poetry, artists’ books and book objects, ‘Mundunculum’, perishable materials, text and image, diaries, collaborations, publishing and sound, all texts in German and English, many illustrations, most of them in colour, soft cover, 288 pages, 23 x 17 cm, Stuttgart Köln 2015