Frietjes In Gent, Den Haag + Delft
Hauck, Thomas J. + Ekkehart Baumgartner
Regular price €18,00
A series of neat line drawings by T.J.Hauck of each individual French fry in a several orders of fries from the three towns in the title, every fry has its own unique character: some are big, others small; some are straight, others curved; some are clean-cut, others slightly frazzled; looking at the fries floating on the pages, you get the impression that each fry has its own story and personality, you can almost hear them talk to one another; one thing is certain, eating an order of fries will never be the same again, with a highly entertaining text as an homage to the French fry in German by E.Baumgartner.
Sewn, 24,5 x 12 cm, 24 not numbered pages, signed, Berlin n.d.