Dieter Roth Die Zeit Vergeht, Das Leben Scheints Ebenso Time Passes, So Does Life, It Seems
Keusch, Beat + Erika Streit
Regular price €26,00
“Dieter Roth not only made a significant contribution to the art history of the 20th century with his radical use of organic materials, but was also active as a writer. This charming and personal book offers an intimate view of the artist, who died in 1998. In addition to the foreword by Björn Roth, Dieter Roth’s son, it features numerous previously unpublished photos and documents from the artist’s long friendship with Beat Keusch and Erika Streit. In four episodes, the book introduces us to Dieter Roth’s most important works and favorite places: from the Schimmelmuseum in Hamburg, the Roth-Raum in Basel, to Iceland and the Basel restaurant Chez Donati—unique insights into the life and work of the great artist”, this publication, which features some hitherto unpublished materials, focuses on Roth as both an artist and an author and includes many full-colour photographs that document the people and places close to Roth, edited by Beat Keusch and Erika Streit, with a foreword by Björn Roth, text in German and English, soft cover, 20 x 15 cm, 128 pages, Berlin 2021
ISBN: 978-3-7757-5116-2