Red Angle Wall Piece - MOD.01

Martins, Miguel Ângelo

Regular price €50,00

Red Angle is made up of a rubber stretch cord held at the ends by two wooden dowels, which in turn are fixed to the wall. The wall plug and the square bend screw hook located in the center, at the top of the piece, serve as support for the cord where it forms the vertex. Traditionally, in pictorial practice, these elements have had a structural function and remained hidden behind the painting. In this artwork, they gain visibility, and thus turn into main and autonomous elements. The cord draws a red line in the plain of the wall forming an obtuse angle that symbolically refers to the tension exerted by the weight of the painting object.”

A stapled cardboard BOX (17 x 12,5 x 3 cm) containing two folded sheets (11 x 42 cm unfolded) with Spanish and English instructions for installing the rest of the contents: a red cord which can be suspended by two wall plugs and a metal hook.

Signed and numbered/40, n.p. 2018