“I have struggled with choosing a sequence for my photos. There are certain orders that they naturally fell into, but instead the fulfilment comes from seeing the individual image in relation to the whole body of work. Categorising photos is a rational thing, but within this book they connect on a higher level than just a category. There are multiple relationships between images. Every viewer will consciously or subconsciously find their own versions of these. Through their own experiences, dreams and knowledge viewers can reshape and reconstruct the photos. Through my work I unveil my thinking and invite the viewer to communicate by arousing a sense of wonder when they see my photos”, objects, scenes, people and particularly moments are captured by the artist’s camera, the photographs are presented in sequences interspersed with quotes from Hans Belting, Sigmund Freud, Pierre Bourdieu, W.J.T.Mitchell and the artist, photographs taken in various places in Europe and East-Asia, soft cover, 15 x 21 cm, 134 pages, n.p. 2016