Uniformagazine Nr.3
Sackett, Colin (Ed.)
Regular price €6,00
“Chalke Way Cathy Lane | On the road / Another orchard Kasper Pincis | Sonorama: listening to the view from the train Claudia Molitor | Lens of Sutton Rick Poynor | Time/Space: 4 Metaphors Peter Blegvad & Paul Bowles | Shopland: a productive misreading Michael Hampton & Peter Suchin | SoundCamp Grant Smith, Maria Papadomanolaki, Dawn Scarfe | Quite Yellow Sounds… Brian Lane | Once there were roundabouts Ian Waites | Nature Writers From the ‘Readers’ Guide…
The following commentary was written about three books by Richard Long from the late 1970s: ‘Throughout these publications, the photographs are definitive records of moments within a landscape, whether of a single geometric form made with material from the particular terrain, or a composed view of a landscape from within the duration of a journey. Where a sculptural form has been introduced into the landscape, this will occupy a central, foregrounded position within the image. The language is distilled, precise and economical, referring numerically to periods of time (hours, days) and distances (miles), or descriptively to repeated actions (walking, throwing), forms (lines, circles), materials (stone, driftwood), and locations. The uniformity of presentation highlights the variations and particularity of each combination of text and image—the singularity of each work is established by its relationship to other works.’ (Numeracy, uniformity and structure, Dundee, 1999)
It is as good as any specification Uniformagazine might make for itself, which as well as having included the durational, the graphic and the concrete, and the geographically particular, has, in the first two issues, suggested a continuity of subject. In this issue especially, which, as is the model, was put together in a period of a few weeks, there are potential connections between several pieces. What arrived when and how it affected the overall balance and pitch of the content is probably forgotten already; so be it.”
Issue 3 of this publisher’s magazine, stapled, 21,5 x 15 cm, 32 pages, Axminster 2015
ISSN 2056-6301