Uniformagazine Nr.4
Sackett, Colin (Ed.)
Regular price €6,00
“Solar Eclipse David Bellingham | From the Top of Harvey House, Brentford Towers Stephen Willats | Unshelfmarked Elizabeth James | Allotment 3 Simon Cutts | Drawing Landscape The Work of Geoffrey Hutchings | Unprinting the paper Jan Voss | Death by Denim Rebecca Chesney | Kern Derek Beaulieu | The Long Shed Erica Van Horn | Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide Ken Worpole | Watercress farm Waddock Cross, Dorset
Recently The Guardian critic Jonathan Jones wondered scathingly if the late Terry Pratchett might have wanted his final posthumous novel “…pulped by a steamroller”; pulped…? Surely flattened more like. Here, as if plucked from a laundry list, then hung out to dry—aired in public maybe—this fourth issue has once again been naturally attracted to, whilst avoiding, some theme or other.
Five new Uniformbooks titles have been published so far this year: in the spring a new edition of the modernist seasonal poem The Book of the Green Man by Ronald Johnson; the visual score Sonorama: listening to the view from the train by Claudia Molitor; and in late-summer three books at once: The Regional Book, geographical descriptions of the Broads by David Matless, Reading (Story of) O in both French and English by Emmanuelle Waeckerlé, and Michael Hampton’s disruptive history Unshelfmarked: Reconceiving the artists’ book.
Vision and Reality by Stephen Willats will be published towards the end of the year. This important book of photographs and interviews made with residents of English housing estates since the 1970s is marked here by the examination of an iconic tower block work made at Brentford Towers in west London. Also included is an article by Jan Voss of Boekie Woekie, the Amsterdam bookshop which will have been open for thirty years in January—an early note of this anniversary.”
Issue 4 of this publisher’s magazine, stapled, 21,5 x 15 cm, 32 pages, Axminster 2015
ISSN 2056-6301