Night Visit To The National Gallery
Tót, Endre
Regular price €115,00
A thorough mapping of the National Gallery in London, its layout and in particular the dimensions and shapes of each painted masterpiece displayed at that famous museum. But instead of showing photocopies of these works, the artist chose to present the reader with black canvases where only the outline reminds us of the original painting, it is after all a ’night visit’.
The cover shows an altered reproduction of an engraving of the national gallery by Robert Sands, inside is a plan of the museum and, organised by room, an overview of the museum’s most treasured works (blacked out) listed with museum labels, as you might find them in a museum catalogue or brochure, albeit a catalogue from a museum where the lights have been permanently turned off.
Stapled, 10,5 x 18 cm, 24 not numbered pages, ed/500, Cullompton 1974
ISBN: 0-85998-005-7