Seiten, Zeiten, Kilos Kram (special edition)
Voss, Jan
Regular price €70,00
“Jan Voss’ books have narrative and sequence, the book as codex; they embody a connected and considered series of images with or without text. As Buzz Spector has said of artists’ books in general: We understand we are being told a story because of the order in which events are given to us – the sequence of pages imparts the idea of story whether the means of the telling is pictorial, pictographic, or linguistic. Mark the last. Jan Voss is an artist of words.” – Ira G.Wool
With (German) texts by J.V. on all 95 of his published works at the time of publication and 24 reproduced colour pencil drawings, with an introduction (English) by Ira G.Wool and text (German) by Barbara Wien, sewn, dust jacket with the reproduction of a painting by the artist, 21 x 15 cm, 48 pages, SPECIAL EDITION with a signed photocopied picture, numbered/50, Klagenfurt 1992