Selected Works Vol. 2 Wasmograms
Wasmuth, Tom
Regular price €45,00
“[Wasmuth’s] work is not about universal pictures as ongoing stories that need to be told, nor is it about theorizing, it is about imagining – moving from association to association, page after page, until gradually within the picture a series of pictures builds up, themselves to be confrontedny other series of pictures. The cosmos of symbols expands in every direction, everywhere, and appears to gain order only to apparently lose it again. For a time it seems not to expand further than we are capable of bearing it company until, finally, it is lost out of sight, perhaps collapsing upon itself, leaving us behind bewildered as if we had been thrown out of the great cinema auditorium, in front of this cloth covered with scribbled marks, in front of this framed and glass-covered drawing. It is back to square one for us and we are compelled, we are challenged, we are at liberty to discover new pathways and new connections.”
Reproductions of 11 works and an essay in German and English by Otmar Rychlik, highly detailed multi-media paintings and drawings made with various materials, some more conventional (ink, watercolours, pencil, gouache) than others (shampoo, salad oil, chicken droppings), hard cover, 23 x 33,5 cm, 24 not numbered pages, Schöftland Zürich 1995
ISBN: 3-907974-22-0