68 Fotos
Madsen, Hans E.
Regular price €21,50
“What comes out of the little box, so full of darkness? Not a picture, but a dream. Not somebody’s dream but a bodiless dream, a mindless dream. A long discoloured dream, which blurrily grinds through the night, always changing point of view, moving in too close or fading away into monochrome infinity. Here, something is lost out of sight; there, something else appears.”
a series of reproduced colour photographs of all sorts of scenes, landscapes and objects captured with the same attention to detail; such details may, at first glance, seem insignificant but by being at the centre of the picture they gain new and surprising significance, sometimes it’s hard to tell just exactly what we are looking at, our attention instead shifts to appreciate abstract forms and colours rather than a representation of a familiar thing, accompanied by a brief text in Danish by Rune Gade with an English translation by Paul Bridgwater, soft cover, 15 x 21 cm, 72 not numbered pages, (Copenhagen) 2006