Ars Photographica
Thurmann-Jajes, Anne + Martin Hellmold (Eds.)
Regular price €45,00
“In the second half of the 20th century, when photography gained substantially in importance as an art form, the artist’s book arose contemporaneously as a new medium of artistic expression. A crucial role was played in that context by interaction between the artists’ book and photography as two interrelated media. One key aspect in such interaction between the art forms was their positive relationship to the reproduction of art. An essential characteristic of both photographic images and artists’ books is that they are both inexpensive and virtually unlimited in their reproducibility. The exhibition therefore centres on photography in the form of printed RE-productions, or as copies from the negative in the artist’s book, and not on the techniques by which such works were created, or on original or vintage prints.”
A catalogue published on the occasion of an exhibition concerned with photography and artists’ books, with German/English texts dealing with Marina Abramović, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Christian Boltanski, Giorgo Ciam, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Gilbert & George, Roni Horn, Alfredo Jaar, Thomas Kapielski, Edmund Kuppel, Jean Le Gac, Gordon Matta-Clark and Annette Messager by Anne Thurmann-Jajes, Klaus Honnef, Isabel Wünsche, Barbara Engelbach, Ruth Wöbkemeier, Liliana Dematteis, Helena Tatay, Martin Hellmold, Dagmar Klar, Bettina Brach, Michael Schwarz, Chris Ruschin, Hanne Zech, richly illustrated with 170 images, soft cover, 28,5 x 22,5 cm, 174 pages, Bremen 2002
ISBN: 3-928761-40-4