Blake Book
Lewis, David (Ed.)
Regular price €22,00
14 artists tackle the following exercises: “Consider William Blake. Call what is not Blake ‘the world’” and then “Take something from Blake and add it to the world, to form a new poet, a new artist, and a new world. Repeat until there is no more Blake” and “Add to Blake something from the world, to form a new Blake and a new world. Repeat until there is no more world”, with contributions by Scott Treleaven, Hilton Als, Ida Ekblad, Oscar Tuazon, Blake Rayne, Paul P., Carissa Rodriguez, Sunny Suits, Tobias Madison, Keren Cytter, Harris Epaminonda, Thomas Hirschhorn, Glenn Ligon and Reto Pulfer, soft cover, 16 x 11 cm, 112 not numbered pages, ed/500, Leipzig 2010
ISBN: 978-3-941601-35-2