Der Nebel Ist Ein Helles Dunkel The Fog Is A Light Darkness
Sturzenegger, Miriam
Regular price €47,00
“Characteristic of Miriam Sturzenegger’s drawings and installations is their reduction to the white of paper or wood and to a very few, very thin, very hesitant pencil lines or traces. It is not unusual to encounter simplicity and a sparing use of line in the medium of drawing, but in this case one is struck by the rigour and stringency with which these drawings insist on an absolute minimum. The artist starts with an empty pictorial ground and makes it tangible. She reduces her medium to its zero point.
Where does a drawing start? And what distinguishes a drawing? Sturzenegger’s studies in visual composition are devoted to the very conditions of drawing, as demonstrated not only in her drawings and installations but also their inherent words and sentences”, photographs of aspects of the artist’s work and two texts, one by Annamira Jochim, the other by Michael Noser, both German and English, soft cover, 20,5 x 15 cm, 268 pages, (Gent) 2010