JAB 33 The Journal Of Artists’ Books
Boekie Woekie, books by artists
Regular price €25,00
Cover – ‘Real Printing by Real Women: Jenna Rodriguez Printing on the Heidelberg GTO and UNI-I Vandercook at CBPA’. Includes texts by Kate Morgan and Claire Sammons called ‘Books Received’. ‘Stochastic Poetics’by Levi Sherman, ‘Immersion: A conversation’by Tate Shaw with Emily McVarish, Jody Zellen and Janet Zweig. And more texts by M. Scott Craig, Kyle Schlesinger, Gratchen E. Henderson, Alexander Mouton, Isobel Anderson, Megan Bermer, Karen Guancione, Elena Bertozzi, Nathalia Silberleib, Susan Viguers. Editional book ‘Room’by Karol Shewmaker and Brandon Graham.
Stapled, 56 pages, 28,5 x 21 cm, contains a separate booklet by, Chicago Spring 2013.