New And Selected Poems 1966-2020
Gardner, Donald
Regular price €24,50
“Back in the ‘60s, UK poetry was divided between various schools — academics versus Beats, abstract versus ‘meaningful’ poetry. Donald Gardner, despite his Oxford background, aligned himself with the liberated spillage of Beat poetry — and was largely rejected by the British establishment. However, over the years, he has more than established himself as a poet with a unique way of writing and his own authority of delivery. The poems seem simple and yet they linger in the mind. One returns to them. They remain forever fresh. His reading always prompt sympathy and amusement. Grey Suit is proud to present a comprehensive book of his work that should establish him as one of the most entertaining and perceptive poets of his generation.”
An anthology of poems written over a period of more than five decades.
Soft cover, 21 x 13 cm, 228 pages, London 2021
ISBN: 978-1-903006-25-2