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“A phantom is an ethereal, otherworldly figure, existing on the fringes of our reality, always in the back of our minds. It is a shadow that lives in the corner of our eye and at the margins of language, ever-displaced. A palimpsest presence hinging on our imaginations, flickering in and out of existence, yet always haunting, (un)settling, and speaking to whomever dares to speak back and whomever tries to capture its name. Phantom, phantasm, spectre, ghost, all disjointing time and space, entangling here and there (and) now and then, past and future. Phantoms tend to linger and seep into the present, shaping our current lives and cultural landscapes. What is haunted, what are we haunted by, and can we haunt them back?”
Vol.32 #2 of this thematic quarterly magazine, this issue explores spectrality in text and b/w images, with contributions by Amber Rahantoknam, Fadri Brunner, Anna Tchitcherine, Ischa Borger, Luca Kathleen Penning, Nora Hendriks, Mudita Pasari & Pritesh Maru, Catelijne Boele, Julia Kozakiewicz, Ron Ma, and Ivana Emily Škoro, cover art by Lore Pilzecker, text in English and Dutch.
Held together with a rubber band, 27,5 x 11,6 cm, 94 pages, ed/375, Amsterdam 2024
ISNN: 0929-7480