Schriftenreihe Für Künstlerpublikationen Band 3: Sound Art
Thurmann-Jajes, Anne + Sabine Breitsameter + Winfried Pauleit (Eds.)
Regular price €40,00
‘Sound Art between Avant-Garde and Pop Culture’, a documentation of a conference in 2005.
“Sound Art … is inconceivable without the acoustic, sound-related, tonal, onomatopoeic, auditive or radiophonic aspect. Yet Sound Art is not constituted by this aspect alone, but emerges only in association withmusical, artistic and literary concepts. Sound Art encompasses works characterized by acoustic interdisciplinarity, regardless of the context. Attempts to draw the boundaries of Sound Art from the perspective of art or music theory are thus doomed to failure. It is its uncompromising, subversive openness which accounts for the fascination of Sound Art.”
With text contributions besides by the editors by Barbara Barthelmes, Julia Kursell, Martin Maurach, Daniel Gethmann, Wolfgang Hagen, Peter Frank, Stan Hanson, Heidi Grundmann, Barbara Flückiger, with a CD with audio examples of more than 42 minutes by Majakovskij, Schwitters, Hausmann, Artaud and others, text in German and English, soft cover, 23,5 x 16,5 cm, 240 pages, Bremen Köln 2006
ISBN: 978-3-89770-259-2