Watching Poor People Fish And Other Poems
Green, Alan
Regular price €20,00
”Alan Green has been writing poems for most of his life somewhat haphazardly often without plan or purpose. The poems here were found hither and thither and span over about 25 years. Jazz piano and golf also occupied large swatches of his tableau. On the more serious side, he started as a Ph.D. clinical psychologist in the 70s and then moved into the world of antiques where he has run a business, American Jazz, specializing in childhood antiques and various other oddments.
Having battled with serious depression off and on over the past 30 years, he has felt both the nothingness of ‘Darkness Visible’ (William Styron’s memoir) and the wonder of love, creation, and ease which he often referred to as ‘being born under a cherry tree.’
In putting together this collection, it is his hope that some of his readers may identify their own joy and sadness, rejection and love… that they would not only appreciate the work as art, but find some hope, happiness and identity in these words.”
A collection of 20 reflective poems, often sparked by occurences or events in the poet‘s life, both big and small, local or international, the tone of these poems is ponderous, introspective and philosophical; ”Sitting in Briarcliff / by the Hudson / watching poor people fish // Slowly looking at their / poles / all stiff with / no bites // Purposeful in their / nothingness”, soft cover, 23 x 15 cm, 36 pages, Monee 2020