What Does The Veil Know?
Meyer, Eva + Vivian Liska (Eds.)
Regular price €60,00
an in-depth investigation of the veil as a political, cultural, and social symbol; its history, and the controversy surrounding it, with contributions by Heike Behrend, Stéphanie Benzaquen, Ayşe Erkmen, Rike Felka, Silvia Henke, Benda Hofmeyr, Rembert Hüser, Ils Huygens, Carol Jacobs, Elfriede Jelinek, Vivian Liska, Eva Meyer, Willem Oorebeek, Johannes Porsch, Laurence A. Rickels, Avital Ronell, Hinrich Sachs, Eran Schaerf, and Gisela Völger, edited by Eva Meyer and Vivian Liska, with 84 illustrations, text in English, soft cover, 28 x 22 cm, 198 pages, Zürich 2009