Works 1984-2017
Róbertsdóttir, Ragna
Regular price €48,00
an extensive and well-illustrated overview of more than three decades’ worth of art by R.R., who composes her works from many different, natural elements, with texts by Markús Þór Andrésson and Gregory Volk, “As chronicled in this book, Ragna Róbertsdóttir’s elemental artworks since the 1980s constitute an extraordinary and deeply meaningful achievement. She shapes her materials, many of which are from nature, and brings them into very specific forms; at the same time, they in turn shape her, and she learns from them. They give her not merely inspiration, but also wisdom and connectedness. She adores her substances and through them convincingly explores how she and we (who are also composed of myriad substances) are part of the living world, not separate from it; partners with nonhuman things, and not their lords and masters”, text in English, hard cover, 30,5 x 22,5 cm, 296, Berlin 2018