Everything And Nothing
Johannessen, Kurt
Regular price €28,00
“A scientific story about everything and nothing, with special focus on the space between the two. The microscopic coating between everything and nothing is called the fog ball. Here you can see how foggy particles behave, and how they affect the expansion of everything. The book is a collection of sketches and handwritten texts. It was produced in connection with the lecture-performance Everything and Nothing (2004), which premiered during the festival ‘Research Days’ in Bergen in 2004. Everything and Nothing was Johannessen’s first lecture-performance. This project revealed the possibilities for combining performance, philosophy, science, humour and poetry. Everything and Nothing was thus the germinal point for the About Something series which got underway nine years later.”
Schematic drawings of cell-like structures accompanied by a handwritten text.
Soft cover in dust jacket, 14,5 x 14,5 cm, 48 not numbered pages, English ed/500, (Bergen) 2009
ISBN: 978-82-92172-54-4